The difference mobility makes in the decision making process for manufacturing shop floor data collection is critical. A recent Aberdeen Group research study indicates that 78% of the respondents using mobility to manage shop floor data collection have the ability to detect changes in performance automatically. For the 22% not using mobility, they will continue to fall behind the competition and be less profitable, lacking the essential capabilities manufacturers need to make critical decisions in real-time.
In today's demanding business environment financial pressures require continual process improvement to achieve "lean" manufacturing. When demand changes, machines go down, or material shortages occur, you must have fast access to accurate information to make and communicate decisions across your operations.
Mi-Forms mobile information solutions is transforming in how manufacturing shop floor environments perform:
- Maximizing order fulfillment and asset tracking accuracy
- Increasing equipment inventory and reducing issues with out of stock materials
- Reducing labor cost via automated processes
In the previously mentioned Aberdeen Group study, 60% of the respondents not using mobility in their manufacturing environment indicated that their own data structure is too complex or too fragmented to make decisions. That is a staggering number of companies falling below the curve...all because they have not transitioned to what is already considered prevailing technology.
Are you part of this 60%? Good news, you don't have to be any longer!
Building the proper strategy and methodologies, plus consolidating data collection systems with right mix of technologies will dramatically improve your shop floor processes. The result: acknowledge shop floor problems before they escalate, while gaining greater insight with real-time with real time data that allows for improved decision making capabilities.
To learn more, click on the following link to view our webinar recording: Mobility for Manufacturing Shop Floor Data Collection