Even still, it’s a tough decision. There’s fear that the new system will fail. There’s also the concern that it may take months or years to install.
On the other hand, regulatory compliance is a major concern for construction industry leaders. Simplicity is a key demand, so a digital transformation can start with a project as clear cut as going paperless, which has a clear timeline and cost savings.
Countless studies have shown substantial improvements in efficiency, cost reductions, and reduce man-hours. One study, Enterprise Content Management (ECM): Needs, Challenges and Recommendations highlights some of these dramatic enterprise improvements:
The same study also highlighted some costs or drawbacks of ECM:
Fortunately, DTI is your partner in managing the content problem in the construction industry. We work hand in hand with your team to avoid these drawbacks and realize the promise of enterprise content management. Slash rework, turn AP into a profit center, go paperless, and start your digital transformation.
I’m just getting started… You might keep hard copies, and copies of copies, or maybe you’ve come to realize that Dropbox is nearly as unwieldy. The best next step is to schedule a call with our president, Ryan. We need to learn more about your current situation and goals to recommend next steps. Schedule a call with him here.
I use VCM and Invoice Router… Your decision window grows shorter by the day. Compass, our VCM and Invoice Router replacement software, integrates with ApplicationXtender, so you experience a painless transition to modern, feature rich ECM software. Learn more about Compass here.
I need a complete digital transformation… You’ve realized that business as usual isn’t sustainable. One of the solutions that we recommend with powerful features and flexibility to be used across your company is Hyland OnBase. Learn more about the software solution here.
Learn more about how you can enable your organization's digital transformation with solutions and services tailored to your industry. Schedule a brief, no obligation consultation with our friendly team to better understand your challenges and find the right solutions to solve them.
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(866) 384-7378
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